Monday, March 28, 2011


What's gone, and what's past help, should be past grief. -Paulina (3.1.223-224) A very interesting quote by Paulina which is brief yet deep in meaning. Before I talk about the quote stated ubove, I would first like to give a brief descrision on Paulina. Paulina is a noblewoman of Sicilia and a loyal friend of Queen Hermione. She has apologized for her condemnation of King Leontes, whose insane jealousy has brought great uhappineess and despair to his kingdom. Her outburst comes at the apparent death of Hermione, who had been standing trial for unfounded charges of treason and infidelity, and who has just learned of her ill son's death. Hermione faints, and is carried away while Paulina returns to announce that the innocent queen has died. She goes on to catalog Leontes' horrible deeds: betraying his friend Polixenes, damning Camillo for refusing to poison Polixenes, accusing Hermione of unfaithfulness, casting their newborn child into the wild to be eaten by animals, allowing his older son to die, and now killing Hermione herself. Leontes is horrified by his acts at last, and Paulina feels a momentary respite from her own rage, apologizing for being so harsh with the repentet king in this tragi-comedy. She will, however, upon his request, continue to remind him of his horrible deeds for years and years to come. Often good things can come from the worse possible tragedies. Pauline said this after the distressed has realise all the harm done by his jealousy. I personally think that the quote is very meaningful because it teaches us that we should not be looking at the past as it is our history. To live in your past, you can never move forward to the future and thus you will never see the joy of living to your fullest. If you are to be trap in the incident you regarted doing, you can never learn from you mistake, instead you choose to stay on and not improve yourself. This can be also link to putting gruges on someone. If we are to hold on to a gruge on someone, we can never be happy or feel at ease as we will be constantly reminded that we are holding againts someone we do not like. So, why not forget about our past grief and live on to the future?

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